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Coaching Testimonials

I came to Chelsey because I had these constant nagging questions in my head, always some form of “Why can’t I get XYZ to happen?” In our work together, she helped me widen the aperture to see not only the narrow goals I was trying to reach, but the wide field I was already working with — my own passions, my tools, my assets, my experience — the things that make me who I am and that can be of value to others, even as I've taken them for granted. She asked me questions I hadn't considered in a long time, helped me reconnect with my own purpose and power, and helped me find answers -- not just how to get XYZ to happen, but why.  
~Adam Overett, Composer/ Lyricist
"I found Chelsey to be remarkably gifted at staying deeply attuned and responsive to me, listening with compassion, and helping to really support me in moving into more and more growth. This approach modeled a way for me to stay compassionate with myself, to identify my strengths and obstacles with more and more specificity, and to empower me to take action in big and small ways. I came to our coaching relationship feeling stuck and left not only with tangible next steps, but with so much more kindness and patience for myself. This was an outcome I didn't anticipate receiving and I think it is a clear reflection of the way that Chelsey modeled self-compassion, continually invited me to listen in to my own embodied wisdom, and moved through the process as a partner rather than an outside expert."
~Jess K. Smith, Director/ Professor
"Working with Chelsey helped me understand new things about myself and my journey. I felt incredibly seen and so held. She created a peaceful, warm and engaging environment that allowed me to feel safe while I took steps beyond my blocks; she was a caring, compassionate and understanding guide towards transformation. Chelsey brings such joy and authenticity to her work.  Working with her was also just plain fun, I think I laughed just as much as I might have cried. I am so thoroughly glad I began coaching with Chelsey. And I look forward to continuing that work with her."
~Arlene Chico-Lugo, Co-Founder Liberation Arts Collective
"Chelsey is an outstanding coach and has really helped me work through some blocks and stagnation that I was feeling in my life. She helped me make some short and long term goals to give me some peace of mind. She has a wonderful way of listening and guiding those she is working with to follow instincts and look for opportunities that are around them. My time with her was truly a gift and has been life changing."
~ Dennis H., Arts Administration Lincoln Center 
"Chelsey is an incredible coach. Not only is she incredibly relaxing with her warm and kind energy, she makes you feel seen and supported through every step of your journey. She is a true spiritual guide, combining her own inner tools and intuition with the lessons she's learned along the way to help and support you. She's also SO FUN and open minded. We found ourselves laughing often. She is truly an inspiration and a soft place to land. Will definitely be working with her in the future."
~ Katie S, Actress & Performing Artist

Reiki Testimonials

My Reiki Healing session was life changing, something deep down inside was unlocked. A journey that I've been on for awhile now has been guided into the right direction thanks to Chelsey. Its always an honor to meet another light worker thats dedicated to their calling and is full of beautiful energy. Thank you for a new life experience that truly broke me open to rediscover the alchemist and empathic starseed that dwells in us all. We are Light.....We all Shine!



"Chelsey truly has a healing touch and energy! Her sessions are extremely relaxing, while remaining very intentional and thoughtful. I felt not only connected to her during the session but also more aware of myself; grounded and engaged. At the end of a session I feel wiped clean, like a blank pallet. We were also able to chat about what we both experienced during the session, finding incredible, exciting connections! She is a well of spiritual knowledge and loving energy."    ~Katie

"I've had several sessions with Chelsey and after each one, I was crying tears of joy and relief afterwards. What she's able to do in that short amount of time is like receiving therapy and massage simultaneously, with barely a touch and not a single word spoken. Chelsey creates such a nurturing and open environment that it allowed me to release pent up negative energy and fears I had, which made more space for an overwhelming sensation of renewal and empowerment. It's like nothing else I've experienced."    ~David

"Chelsey really helped me with some post-surgery blues - I left a session with her feeling less anxious and rejuvenated. Chelsey is a wonderful presence to be around. Her manner is calm and confident, and she brings a gentle sense of humor to her work."   ~ Maggie

Consulting Testimonials

As an actor, writer, and producer, I have worked with Chelsey Shannon on several projects. Most recently, she served as a consultant on a piece I was directing. Not only did she bring fresh ideas to the table about the presentation but also proposed ways to get the best quality exposure possible. Her guidance and advice have been instrumental in the success of each project. She brings a fresh eye and knowledge of trending ideas to everything. Whether providing support with a critical eye toward small details or exploring the bigger picture, Chelsey excels at zeroing in on creative solutions. As production gets closer to public scrutiny she focuses on the storytelling by asking smart questions to help fine tune each project. Her keen and vibrant advice have particularly come into play with marketing and publicity, whether finding placement for advertising or getting an impeccable press release to an appropriate news outlet. She is definitely a Jill-of-all-Trades.  But perhaps the best part of working with Chelsey is her good spirit and positive outlook in guiding each project to be successful. She knows what she’s talking about and you would be smart to listen to her ideas. They are clear, concise and considered, and presented in a progressive approach.


~ John Robert Tillotson, Actor, Writer & Producer

"Working with Chelsey I have witnessed first hand the exceptional abilities she possesses as both a leader and team member. Her strong research and development skills brought forward a number of sponsorship, grants (including a grant from Walt Disney Entertainment) and partnership opportunities, which from her follow-through and maintenance proved to be structural foundations for a Theater Festival. With the large scope of presentation and coordination involved in putting on a festival of this size, organization, attention to detail and her inane ability to multi-task have been attributes of hers that we have benefited from greatly. While working at Gables Grove, she showed strong understanding in contractual negotiations, organization and implementation of strict timelines, and the vital concept of financial structure. Our production company has benefited from having Chelsey a part of the team. I have found Chelsey to be an outstanding colleague, collaborator and leader. Her demeanor is upbeat and positive and her tone is confident and caring." 


~ Michael Shawn Lewis, Producer & Founder Gables Grove Productions

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